Store Profile

Stuart Nafey Photography (San Mateo): Who? My name is Stu­art Nafey Where? I hail from the Cal­i­for­nia coast, 20 miles south of San Fran­cisco in Half Moon Bay. What? Light draw­ing por­trait pho­tographs are my spe­cialty. Teach­ing pho­tog­ra­phy is a close second. Why? It is my des­tiny to enter­tain, amuse and fur­ther the art of photography. How? By explor­ing the sim­plest aspects of pho­tog­ra­phy (long expo­sures and total con­trol of light­ing ) and team­ing with a great artist, our work is a per­for­mance that achieves both enter­tain­ment and edu­ca­tion (see Why). I teach pho­tog­ra­phy with the Half Moon Bay Recre­ation Depart­ment. I am also will­ing con­trib­u­tor to Half Moon Bay Patch, a local online news source.

Categories: Photography
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  San Mateo, CA 94019
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